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Czech society for cybernetics and informatics awarded Prize of Antonín Svoboda for the best PhD thesis in 2011 to

RNDr. Pavel Vácha, Ph.D.

from Institute of Information Theory and Automation.
Petr Augusta from Department of Control Theory was awarded The Best Paper Diploma of the 13th International Carpathian Control Conference held in High Tatras, Slovak Republic. Title of the awarded paper is: Distributed Stabilisation of Spatially Invariant Systems Via Positive Polynomial Approach: MIMO Systems Case.
Ústav jaderného výzkumu Řež a.s. a Česká nukleární společnost ocenily disertační práci s názvem "Application of Advanced Data Assimilation Methods in Off-site Consequence Assessment" Ing. Radka Hofmana, Ph.D. cenou za 1. místo v soutěži disertačních prací v jaderných oborech.
Sergej Čelikovský received SICE 2011 Award for Outstanding Paper published in Transactions of the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers. This paper proposes and analyzes a successive approximation method for obtaining center manifolds with application to output regulation problem. Society of Instrument and Control Engineers (SICE) is the recognized international society founded in Japan.

The 2011 Outstanding Statistical Application Award of American Statistical Association has been presented to Miroslav Kárný and his co-authors A. Raftery (University of Washington) and P. Ettler (Compureg s.r.o.). This award recognises "extending Bayesian methods for model uncertainty to temporally evolving systems and showing how these ideas can be successfully applied to solving a challenging problem in a continuous manufacturing system."

Miroslav Kárný and his co-authors A.Raftery (University of Washington) and P.Ettler (Compureg s.r.o.) were selected to receive the Frank Wilcoxon Prize for their paper: “Online prediction under model uncertainty via dynamic model averaging: application to a cold rolling mill” that appeared in the February 2010 issue of Technometrics. The Wilcoxon Prize is given to the best practical application paper appearing in the previous year's Technometrics.

The Award of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic for outstanding results of major scientific importance in 2011 was received by a team of authors from the Institute of Information Theory and Automation. The team led by prof. Ing. Michal Haindl, DrSc. consisting of: Ing. J. Filip, Ph.D, Ing. J. Grim, CSc., RNDr. Vojtech Havlicek, Ph.D, and Ing. M. Hatka was awarded for the scientific outcome: Mathematical modeling of visual properties of surface materials.

PhDr. Jozef Baruník získal první místo v 17. ročníku Souteže o nejlepší studentskou vědeckou práci z teoretické ekonomie a ekonometrie 2011, pořádané Českou ekonometrickou společností, za práci "Decomposing volatility using wavelet-based realized variation". Dvě 3. místa, udělila porota za práce Ing. Petra Veverky "Infinite horizon maximum principle for the discounted control problem", a RNDr. Petra Zahradníka "Some interesting properties of the Cox–Ingersoll-Ross process". Všichni ocenění jsou zaměstnanci ÚTIA, AV ČR, oddělení Ekonometrie.
Článek "Instruction Set Extensions for Multi-Threading in LEON3" presentovaný na konferenci DDECS 2010, IEEE Symposium on Design and Diagnostics of Electronic Circuits and Systems, získal ocenění za nejlepší příspěvek v oblasti číslicového návrhu. Cena byla předána během letošního ročníku konference DDECS 2011, pořádaného ve dnech 13.–14.4.2011 v Německu.
Naši kolegové Jan Schier a Bohumil Kovář získali Cenu za nejlepší článek (Best paper award) za svůj příspěvek Automated counting of yeast colonies using the Fast Radial Transform algorithm, prezentovaný na konferenci BIOINFORMATICS 2011, the International Conference on Bioinformatics Models, Methods and Algorithms, pořádané ve dnech 26. - 29. 1.