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Director of ǓTIA passed diplomas for winners of competition for the best publication in 2014. Awarded are (from the left): Jiří Grim, Milan Studený, Petr Augusta, Petra Augustová, Michal Červinka, Petr Pecha, Filip Šroubek and Jan M. Swart. Congratulations!
Author of photography: Stanislav Saic
In the year 2014 the President of the Academy of Sciences of the CR granted The Otto Wichterle Award to promising young scientists of the ASCR on the recommendations of the Jury for granting The Otto Wichterle Award to PhDr. Ladislav Kristoufek, Ph.D.
The Czech National Bank has granted this year’s Economic Research Award to the paper “Are Bayesian Fan Charts Useful for Central Banks? Uncertainty, Forecasting, and Financial Stability Stress Tests”, written by Michal Franta, Jozef Baruník, Roman Horváth and Kateřina Šmídková. The work has been published in the prestigious and highly selective International Journal of Central Banking. The announcement of the Award formed part of the Czech National Bank’s 10th Research Open Day.
Česká národní banka udělila letošní cenu za nejlepší výzkumné práce (Economic Research Award) práci „Are Bayesian Fan Charts Useful for Central Banks? Uncertainty, Forecasting, and Financial Stability Stress Tests“ a jejími autory jsou Michal Franta, Jozef Baruník, Roman Horváth a Kateřina Šmídková. Práce byla publikována v prestižním časopise International Journal of Central Banking.
Paper, On the computation of relaxed pessimistic solutions to MPECs, by Michal Červinka and Jiří Outrata (ÚTIA AV ČR), co-authored by Ctirad Matonoha (ÚI AV ČR) has been included in an Editor’s Choice selection of articles for Optimization Methods and Software.
Pracovníci našeho ústavu RNDr. Vlasta Kaňková, CSc., Prof. Ing. Pavel Pudil, DrSc. a Ing. Karel Sladký, CSc. oslavují v r. 2014 úctyhodné jubileum – 50 let nepřetržitého pracovního poměru v ÚTIA. Dne 24. 3. jim ředitel k této „zlaté svatbě s ústavem“ předal pamětní listy, poděkoval jim za jejich dlouholetou práci a popřál jim mnoho zdraví a životní energie do dalších let.
Institute of Energy Economics, Faculty of Finance and Accounting, University of Economics in Prague awarded work of Krenar Avdulaj and Jozef Barunik "Are benefits from oil-stock diversification gone? A new evidence from dynamic copulas and high frequency data." with a "Best research paper in Energy Economics 2013" prize.
The article Decentralized control and communication by L. Bakule is recognized by ScienceDirect as one of the Top 25 papers published in Annual Reviews in Control in 2012. Congratulations!
Ladislav Kristoufek was awarded by the 1st place in PhD students competition for his research paper "Mixed-correlated ARFIMA processes for power-law cross-correlations" at the 31st International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Economics 2013 in Jihlava, Czech Republic
Jan Kotera, Ph.D. student in the Dept. of Image Processing, received an award for outstanding contribution at the 15th International Conference on Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns (CAIP 2013) held in York, UK, for the paper "Blind deconvolution using alternating maximum a posteriori estimation with heavy-tailed priors" co-authored by Filip Sroubek and Peyman Milanfar.