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Recognition for Dr. Zdenek Beran from the Department of Control Theory.
Prestigious Werner von Siemens Awards were delivered to young scientists, students and teachers on February 4th, 2016 in Betlem Chapel. Among them, the Best Teacher Award was presented to prof. Michael Šebek, who is the Head of the Department of Control Engineering of the Czech Technical University in Prague and Research Fellow at the Department of Control Theory of the Institute of Information Theory and Automation. More details (in Czech) available HERE.
Institute of Energy Economics, Faculty of Finance and Accounting, University of Economics in Prague awarded work of Jozef Baruník and Barbora Malínská "Forecasting the term structure of crude oil futures with neural networks" forthcoming in the Applied Energy Journal with a "Best research paper in Energy Economics 2015" prize.
Zuzana Bílková, Ph.D. student in the Dept. of Image Processing (ZOI), received the first price in the Cisco Outstanding Thesis Award 2015 competition for her thesis "Segmentation of microscopic images using level set methods" (MFF UK). The supervisor was RNDr. Václav Kučera, Ph.D., MFF UK. The expert consultant of the thesis was Jindřich Soukup, Ph.D. student in the Dept. of Image Processing (ZOI).
Dne 2.11.2015 byly oceněným výhercům soutěže o nejlepší publikaci slavnostně uděleny diplomy za jejich práci. Podrobnosti zde.
Dr. Filip Šroubek, Res.Prof. received the scientific title "Research Professor in Physico-Mathematical Sciences" from the President of the Czech Academy of Sciences on October 14, 2015.
On June 16, 2015, the Czech Technical University awarded Prof. Jan Flusser the Felber Medal for his outstanding achievements in research and teaching.
Předseda Akademie věd ČR udělil na základě doporučení komise prémii Otto Wichterleho pro rok 2015 mladým nadějným vědeckým pracovníkům AV ČR. Mezi oceněnými je také Kamil Dedecius z oddělení Adaptivních systémů, UTIA.
Jan Kotera, Ph.D. student in the Dept. of Image Processing (ZOI), received the Best Student Paper award at the Digital Photography and Mobile Imaging XI conference at IS&T/SPIE Electronic Imaging held in San Francisco, USA, for the paper "Blind Deconvolution of images with model discrepancies using maximum a posteriori estimation with heavy tailed priors", co-authored by Filip Sroubek.
Ondřej Tichý from Adaptive systems has been awarded the 1st place in the 7th annual Rektorys competition in applied mathematics organized by Department of mathematics, FSv ČVUT, for the work "On Sparsity in Bayesian Blind Source Separation for Dynamic Medical Imaging".