Prof. Evžen Kočenda převzal 24.5. 2017 diplom s titulem „doktor sociálních a humanitních věd“ z rukou předsedkyne AV ČR během slavnostního ceremoniálu.
Ing. Petr Tichavský received the scientific title "Research Professor in Physico-Mathematical Sciences" from the President of the Czech Academy of Sciences on May 24, 2017.
Prof. Ing. Evžen Kočenda, M.A., Ph.D., DSc. received the scientific title "Research Professor in Social Sciences and Humanities" from the President of the Czech Academy of Sciences on May 24, 2017.
The paper entitled "Time-Optimal Control for Bilinear Nonnegative-In-Control Systems: Application to Magnetic Manipulation" by Jiri Zemanek, Sergej Celikovsky a Zdenek Hurak was awarded the EEA Demonstrator Paper Prize. This special demonstrator prize is funded by Club EEA (French association of professors and researchers in electrical and information sciences). "EEA Demonstrator Paper Prize" see more
Děkan Fakulty elektrotechnické ČVUT v Praze, prof. Ing. Pavel Ripka, CSc., udělil dne 20.2.2017 Ing. Milanovi Anderlemu, Ph.D. CENU DĚKANA za vynikající disertační práci "Modelling and Control of Walking Robots".
Association of Innovative Entrepreneurship of the Czech Republic awarded Ing. Milan Talich, Ph.D. and his team the main prize for their work „Expert system for monitoring of deformations of hazardous objects and locations“, which was created in cooperation with Geodézie Ledeč nad Sázavou s.r.o. This prestigious contest was established in 1996.
Ing. Raissa Likhonina from the Department of Signal Processing (ZS) received the Dean's prize of the Faculty of Transportation Sciences in the Students category of the 13th annual nationwide competition Czech traffic infrastructure / technology / innovation of the year 2015 for her diploma thesis Numerical simulation of impact with barries.