D. Henrion
- Henrion D., Korda M., Kružík Martin, Rios-Zertuche R. : Occupation Measure Relaxations in Variational Problems: The Role of Convexity , SIAM Journal on Optimization vol.34, 2 (2024), p. 1708-1731 [2024] Download Download DOI: 10.1137/23M1557088
- Henrion D., Kružík Martin, Weisser T. : Optimal control problems with oscillations, concentrations and discontinuities , Automatica vol.103, 1 (2019), p. 159-165 [2019] Download Download DOI: 10.1016/j.automatica.2019.01.030
- Claeys M., Henrion D., Kružík Martin : Semi-definite relaxations for optimal control problems with oscillation and concentration effects , ESAIM-Control Optimisation and Calculus of Variations vol.23, 1 (2017), p. 95-117 [2017] Download DOI: 10.1051/cocv/2015041
- Henrion D., Tarbouriech S., Kučera Vladimír : Control of linear systems subject to time-domain constraints with polynomial pole placement and LMIs , IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control vol.50, 9 (2005), p. 1360-1364 [2005]
- Henrion D., Šebek Michael, Kučera Vladimír : Robust pole placement for second-order systems: an LMI approach , Kybernetika vol.41, 1 (2005), p. 1-14 [2005]
- Henrion D., Tarbouriech S., Kučera Vladimír : Control of linear systems subject to input constraints: a polynomial approach , Automatica vol.37, 4 (2001), p. 597-604 [2001]
- Henrion D., Arzelier D., Peaucelle D., Šebek Michael : An LMI condition for robust stability of polynomial matrix polytopes , Automatica vol.37, 1 (2001), p. 461-468 [2001]
- Henrion D., Šebek Michael, Bachelier O. : Rank-one LMI approach to stability of 2-D polynomial matrices , Multidimensional Systems and Signal Processing vol.12, 1 (2001), p. 33-48 [2001]
- Henrion D., Šebek Michael : An algorithm for polynomial matrix factor extraction , International Journal of Control vol.73, 8 (2000), p. 686-695 [2000]
- Henrion D., Tarbouriech S., Šebek Michael : Rank-one LMI approach to simultaneous stabilization of linear systems , Systems and Control Letters vol.38, 2 (1999), p. 79-89 [1999]
- Henrion D., Šebek Michael : Improved polynomial matrix determinant computation , IEEE Transaction on Circuits and Systems vol.46, 10 (1999), p. 1307-1308 [1999]
- Henrion D., Šebek Michael : Reliable numerical methods for polynomial matrix triangularization , IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control vol.44, 3 (1999), p. 497-508 [1999]
- Henrion D., Šebek Michael : An efficient numerical method for the discrete-time symmetric matrix polynomial equation , IEE Proceedings. Control Theory and Applications vol.145, 5 (1998), p. 443-448 [1998]
- Henrion D., Šebek Michael : Symmetric matrix polynomial equation: Interpolation results , Automatica vol.34, 7 (1998), p. 811-824 [1998]
- Anderle Milan, Čelikovský Sergej, Henrion D., Zikmund Jiří : LMI based design for the Acrobot walking , Preprints of the 9th IFAC Symposium on Robot Control, p. 595-600, SYROCO'09, (Gifu, JP, 09.09.2009-12.09.2009) [2009]
- Henrion D., Šebek M., Hurák Z., Čelikovský Sergej : Fixed-order robust controller design with the Polynomial Toolbox 3.0 , Proceedings of the 2004 IEEE Conference on Computer Aided Control Systems Design, p. 303-308, IEEE Conference on Computer Aided Control Systems Design 2004, (Taipei, TW, 02.09.2004-04.09.2004) [2004]
- Henrion D., Kočvara Michal, Stingl M. : Solving Simultaneous Stabilization BMI Problems with PENNON, LAASCNRS, (Toulouse 2003) Research Report 3549 [2003]
- Sugimoto K., Šebek Michael, Henrion D. : Polynomial matrices and MRACS based on QR factorization , SICE 1st Annual Conference on Control Systems, p. 539-542, SICE, (Kyoto 2001) , Annual Conference on Control Systems. SICE /1./, (Kyoto, JP, 23.05.2001-25.05.2001) [2001]
- Henrion D., Šebek Michael : LMIs and polynomial methods in control: Illustrative examples , Preprints of the IFAC/IEEE Symposium on Advances in Control Education. ACE 2000, p. 1-6, IEEE, (Gold Coast 2000) , IFAC/IEEE Symposium on Advances in Control Education. ACE 2000, (Gold Coast, AU, 17.12.2000-19.12.2000) [2000]
- Henrion D., Ruiz-León J. J., Šebek Michael : Extraction of infinite zeros of polynomial matrices , Proceedings of the 39th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, p. 4221-4227, IEEE, (Sydney 2000) , IEEE Conference on Decision and Control /39./, (Sydney, AU, 12.12.2000-15.12.2000) [2000]
- Šebek Michael, Pejchová Soňa, Henrion D. : Robust control with polynomial toolbox 2: Families with structured uncertainties , Proceedings of the 4th International Scientific-Technical Conference. Process Control 2000. ŘÍP 2000, p. 109 , Eds: Department of Process Control and Computer Techniques, University of Pardubice, (Pardubice 2000) , Process Control 2000. ŘÍP 2000 /4./, (Kouty nad Desnou, CZ, 11.06.2000-14.06.2000) [2000]
- Šebek Michael, Čelikovský Sergej, Ruiz-León J. J., Henrion D. : Robust stability analysis via polynomial toolbox 2.5: Complicated parametric uncertainties , Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Control and Applications, p. 149-153 , Eds: Hamza M. H., IASTED/Acta Press, (Anaheim 2000) , CA '2000, (Cancún, MX, 24.05.2000-27.05.2000) [2000]
- Henrion D., Arzelier D., Peaucelle D., Šebek Michael : An LMI condition for robust stability of polynomial matrix polytopes , Preprints of the 3rd IFAC Symposium on Robust Control Design, ÚTIA AV ČR, (Praha 2000) , ROCOND 2000 /3./, (Praha, CZ, 21.06.2000-23.06.2000) [2000]
- Henrion D., Šebek Michael : Improved polynomial matrix determinant computation , Proceedings of the 8th IEEE Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation. MED 2000, p. 1-3 , Eds: Groumpos P., Koussoulas N., Antsaklis P., University of Patras, (Patras 2000) , IEEE Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation. MED 2000 /8./, (Patras, GR, 17.06.2000-19.06.2000) [2000]
- Henrion D., Bachelier O., Šebek Michael : Stability of polynomial matrices. Abstract , UKACC International Conference on CONTROL 2000. Abstracts, p. 203, University of Cambridge, (Cambridge 2000) , UKACC International Conference on CONTROL 2000, (Cambridge, GB, 04.09.2000-07.09.2000) [2000]
- Henrion D., Bachelier O., Šebek Michael : D-stability of polynomial matrices , UKACC International Conference on CONTROL 2000. Proceedings, University of Cambridge, (Cambridge 2000) , UKACC International Conference on CONTROL 2000, (Cambridge, GB, 04.09.2000-07.09.2000) [2000]
- Henrion D., Šebek Michael : An algorithm for polynomial matrix factor extraction , Proceedings of the Conference on Decision and Control IEEE 1999, p. 1-17, IEEE, (Phoenix 1999) , IEEE Conference on Decision and Control 1999, (Phoenix, US, 07.12.1999-10.12.1999) [1999]
- Kučera Vladimír, Šebek Michael, Henrion D. : State regulation and estimation via polynomial toolbox , Polynomial Systems Theory and Applications. Proceedings of the 1st EUROPOLY Workshop, p. 7-17, University of Strathclyde, (Glasgow 1999) , EUROPOLY Workshop /1./, (Glasgow, GB, 15.04.1999-16.04.1999) [1999]
- Henrion D., Ježek Jan, Šebek Michael : Efficient algorithms for discrete-time symmetric polynomial equations with complex coefficients , IFAC World Congress 1999. Proceedings, p. 159-164, Pergamon, (Oxford 1999) , IFAC World Congress 1999 /14./, (Beijing, CN, 05.07.1999-09.07.1999) [1999]
- Šebek Michael, Kwakernaak H., Henrion D., Pejchová Soňa : Recent progress in polynomial methods and polynomial toolbox for Matlab Version 2.0 , Proceedings of the 37th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, p. 3661-3668, IEEE, (Tampa 1999) , IEEE Conference on Decision and Control /37./, (Tampa, US, 16.12.1998-18.12.1998) [1999]
- Kučera Vladimír, Šebek Michael, Henrion D. : Polynomial toolbox and state feedback control , IEEE International Conference on Control Applications and IEEE International Symposium on Computer Aided Control System Design. Proceedings, p. 380-385, IEEE, (Hawai 1999) , CCA/CACSD '99, (Hawai, US, 22.08.1999-27.08.1999) [1999]
- Henrion D., Šebek Michael, Kučera Vladimír : Links between robust and quadratic stability of uncertain discrete-time polynomials , Proceedings of the 7th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, p. 2078-2086, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Technion, (Haifa 1999) , Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation /7./, (Haifa, IL, 28.06.1999-30.06.1999) [1999]
- Šebek Michael, Kwakernaak H., Henrion D., Strijbos R. : Control design via polynomial toolbox for Matlab version 2.0 , European Control Conference. ECC '99, VDI/VDE GMA, (Karlsruhe 1999) , European Control Conference. ECC '99, (Karlsruhe, DE, 31.08.1999-03.09.1999) [1999]
- Henrion D., Tarbouriech S., Šebek Michael : Rank-one LMI approach to simultaneous stabilization of linear systems , European Control Conference. ECC '99, VDI/VDE GMA, (Karlsruhe 1999) , European Control Conference. ECC '99, (Karlsruhe, DE, 31.08.1999-03.09.1999) [1999]
- Henrion D., Šebek Michael : Reliable numerical methods for polynomial matrix triangularization , Proceedings of the Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation IEEE, p. 1-27, IEEE, (Alghero 1998) , Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation IEEE '98, (Alghero, IT, 23.06.1998-27.06.1998) [1998]
- Henrion D., Šebek Michael, Tarbouriech S. : Algebraic approach to robust controller design: A geometric interpretation , American Control Conference. ACC'98, IEEE CSS, (Philadelphia 1998) , ACC'98, (Philadelphia, US, 24.06.1998-26.06.1998) [1998]
- Henrion D., Šebek Michael : Numerical methods for polynomial matrix rank evaluation , Preprints of the IFAC Conference on System Structure and Control, p. 385-390, IFAC, (Nantes 1998) , IFAC Conference SSC'98, (Nantes, FR, 08.07.1998-10.07.1998) [1998]
- Henrion D., Šebek Michael : An efficient numerical method for the discrete time symmetric matrix polynomial equation , European Control Conference , Eds: Bastin G., Gevers M., EUCA, (Brussels 1997) , ECC '97 /4./, (Brussels, BE, 01.07.1997-04.07.1997) [1997]
- Šebek Michael, Pejchová Soňa, Strijbos R. C. W., Henrion D. : Polynomial Matrix Operations in MATLAB , Computer Aided System Theory and Technology, p. 139-141 , Eds: Moreno-Díaz R., Pichler F. R., Universidad de Las Palmas, (Las Palmas 1997) , EUROCAST '97, (Las Palmas, ES, 24.02.1997-28.02.1997) [1997]
- Henrion D., Šebek Michael : Symmetric Matrix Polynomial Equation: Interpolation Results, LAASCNRS, (Toulouse 1997) Research Report 97040 [1997]
- Henrion D., Šebek Michael : An Efficient Numerical Method for the Discrete Time Symmetric Matrix Polynomial Equation, LAASCNRS, (Toulouse 1996) Research Report 96433 [1996]