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Our research proposes three randomized controlled trials (RCTs) to examine the intricate relationship between inflation expectations, household behavior, and central bank credibility in the context…
A wide range of essential economic questions require solving high-dimensional dynamic programming problems. These problems suffer from the “curse of dimensionality”, which means that the…
Recent advances in microscopy technology have enabled high-resolution imaging of biological processes at the molecular level. However, the dynamic nature of these processes and low signal-to-noise…
In the project we propose thirteen interrelated problems concerned with the behaviour of large systems of dependent random variables. We focus on interacting systems with Markovian dynamics. We are…
The project aims to develop AI/ML models and a theoretical framework to identify and record culturally significant and climate-endangered scents, utilizing internet data for scent valuation. It…
The European FDSOI family of technology platforms is recognized for its low power consumption, versatility, high radiation hardness, embedded nonvolatile memories and exceptional radio frequency…
The aim of the project is development of an expert system of digitized automated monitoring of synergic effects of mining, groundwater and surface water on surface deformations in the Kladno…
Quantification of sources of atmospheric pollutants is crucial for regulatory purposes as well as for atmospheric science in general. Due to many physical limitations in observation and modeling, the…
The proposed project aims to develop an experimentally justified and mathematically consistent constitutive model of the shape memory behavior of metastable beta-Ti alloys, to implement it into a…
Many models used in applied sciences lack rigorous mathematical and numerical analysis, leading to incorrect predictions and non-reliable simulations, especially in nonlinear continuum-mechanical…
We want to conduct some meaningful and fruitful research into nonparametric econometrics. In particular, we intend
(a) to propose how to test less-explored multivariate symmetries,
The project will develop a new family of models for identification of tail risks in financial markets from possibly large datasets using deep learning algorithms. Our newly developed methods will…
V rámci projektu budou navrženy a realizovány strategie zajištění na komoditních trzích zaměřené na snížení finančních rizik. Náš přístup zohlední rozdíly ve zpracování informací a investičních…
Current convolutional networks work with inefficient pixel-wise image representation, which
does not provide almost any invariance. This leads to using very large training sets and
The main aim of the EECONE project is to reduce e-waste on a European scale. The environmental impact arising from e-waste can thus be reduced by working in three principal areas: 1) Increase service…
This interdisciplinary scientific project aims to examine the creative context of one of Leonardo's most
reproduced subjects: the Salvator Mundi. The ultimate goal is to understand one of…
The project focuses on the protection of video and image content and looks at ways to prevent illegal sharing. It will explore how artificial intelligence methods can circumvent these protections and…
The European research project Listen2Future started with 27 partners from 7 countries. It will develop acoustic MEMS transducer concepts building on new generation of piezoelectric transducers, an…