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Department of Signal Processing

Publications ÚTIA

SP Logo Our department focuses on the research, development and implementation of advanced digital signal and image processing and AI inference algorithms, mainly in the fields of audio and ultrasound processing and scene analysis (image segmentation, motion detection, object detection). The department also develops methods in Bayesian statistics for the recursive estimation of mixtures with different component distributions, addressing the analysis of clusters with non-Gaussian characteristics. The theory is applied in practical contexts, such as traffic flow states, vehicle counts, accident analysis, and crime data, and is also taught at the Faculty of Transportation Sciences, CTU in Prague.

We work mainly with algorithms which can be implemented with fast execution, small memory footprint, small chip area and low power consumption. Our aim is to work with our project partners on implementation of these algorithms in real demonstrators and prototypes. Our target platforms are SoC devices equipped with multicore processors, Field Programmable Gate Arrays and dedicated HW accelerator engines. We are focused mostly on embedded SoC solutions based on AMD Zynq, Zynq Ultrascale+ devices (28nm, 16nm technology) and AMD Versal devices (7nm technology). We also use Matlab/Simulink framework and SW libraries to specify, model and verify algorithms which we subsequently convert and synthesize to HW by AMD high-level synthesis tools. 

Our aim is also to help industrial partners to solve implementation issues in all their complexity. The key partner has been Technical Development of SKODA AUTO a.s. where we have main competence in development of electronic systems for testing Human-Machine-Interface. This includes support for the development and testing of various levels of autonomous driving, including alternative powertrains such as fully electric vehicles (FEVs), as well as support for various forms of mobility, including urban mobility and micro-mobility.

Our department has been participating in R&D projects supported by the Horizon Europa programme, mainly in projects of the Chips Joint Undertaking

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Ing. Jiří Kadlec CSc.
Mgr. Milada Kadlecová
Ing. Lukáš Kohout
Ing. Raissa Likhonina Ph.D.
Ing. Radim Matulík
Doc. Ing. Ivan Nagy CSc.
Dr. Ing. Jiří Plíhal
Ing. Zdeněk Pohl Ph.D.
Tetiana Reznychenko
Doc. Ing. Evženie Uglickich CSc.
Ing. Raissa Likhonina from the Department of Signal Processing (ZS) received the Dean's prize of the Faculty of Transportation Sciences in the Students category of the 13th annual nationwide competition Czech traffic infrastructure / technology / innovation of the year 2015 for her diploma thesis Numerical simulation of impact with barries.
Článek "Instruction Set Extensions for Multi-Threading in LEON3" presentovaný na konferenci DDECS 2010, IEEE Symposium on Design and Diagnostics of Electronic Circuits and Systems, získal ocenění za nejlepší příspěvek v oblasti číslicového návrhu. Cena byla předána během letošního ročníku konference DDECS 2011, pořádaného ve dnech 13.–14.4.2011 v Německu.
Naši kolegové Jan Schier a Bohumil Kovář získali Cenu za nejlepší článek (Best paper award) za svůj příspěvek Automated counting of yeast colonies using the Fast Radial Transform algorithm, prezentovaný na konferenci BIOINFORMATICS 2011, the International Conference on Bioinformatics Models, Methods and Algorithms, pořádané ve dnech 26. - 29. 1.
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Tetiana Reznychenko

UrbanSmartPark project final event will be organized on December 9 and 16, 2020. You can see live demonstration of automated on-street parking and services in the harbor area as well as the conception and provision of parking services. 

After 15 years the most prominent European conference on programmable logic comes back to the Czech Republic. Organized by UTIA with the help of other major Czech universities active in this area, it will take place in Prague from August 31 to September 2, 2009.
For more details visit the main conference web site at