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Ve dnech 5.-7.června 2012 v Selském dvoře v Biskoupkách u Zbiroha proběhl letošní ročník tradičního výjezdního semináře "Pravděpodobnostní a jiné metody rozhodování".

The Spring School of Image Processing is a popular meeting point of students and researchers from several Czech institutions involved in image processing research as well as guests from abroad. The program of the 2012nd edition of the Spring School of Image Processing will consist mainly of tutorial talks given by organizers from the Department of Image Processing (ÚTIA) and participating Ph.D. students. More about the program you can find on the web of Image Processing Department.

4.6. - 8.6. 2012, Krušné hory, Mariánská.

more info: www.utia.cz/NIPSHome

You are invited to participate in the NIPS Workshop DECISION MAKING WITH MULTIPLE IMPERFECT DECISION MAKERS in conjunction with the 25th Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems, which is the premier scientific meeting on neural computation.

Ivo Vrkoč will celebrate his eightieth birthday on June 10, 2011. On this occasion, Ivo’s former students and recent coauthors decided to organise a small colloquium devoted to some of the topics Ivo has contributed to significantly, namely the qualitative theory of ordinary differential equations and stochastic analysis.

more info

Společnost pro zpracování signálu, IEEE Signal Processing Society, bude pořádat 36. ročník své hlavní vědecké konference „International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing“ (ICASSP 2011) poprvé v Praze, v Kongresovém centru, a to od 22. do 27. května 2011.

more info: www.utia.cz/NIPSHome 

NIPS Workshop DECISION MAKING WITH MULTIPLE IMPERFECT DECISION MAKERS at the 24th Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems successfully took place. 

The Workshop proceedings can be found here.

We would like to inform you that Colloquium in memory of Igor Vajda will take place November 12-13, 2010, in Prague, organized by the Institute of Information Theory and Automation (ÚTIA) of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic. The scientific programme is focused on the topics to which Igor Vajda have substantially contributed: the information theory and its applications to mathematical statistics. For further details and updated information please visit the conference website

V listopadu 2010 se konal v ÚTIA Ekonometricky den, jehož organizátorem je Česká ekonometrická společnost. Kromě Valné hromady ČES, byla na programu přednáška vítězné práce Soutěže o nějlepší studentskou vědeckou práci z teoretické ekonomie a ekonometrie za rok 2010, Branda M.: Performations of chance constrained problems. A jako host vystoupil guvernér ČNB, Miroslav Singer: Makroekonomický a měnový vývoj v ČR a prognóza ČNB. http://ces.utia.cas.cz/workshops_days.html

more info: http://simu0292.utia.cas.cz/pragstoch2010/

Continuing the series of international conferences on stochastics organized in Prague since 1956 the Department of Probability and Mathematical Statistics, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University and the Department of Stochastic Informatics, Institute of Information Theory and Automation, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic organize the Prague Stochastics 2010 which will be held from August 30 to September 3, 2010.

The program of the Workshop will present selected results of theoretical and applied research in the fields connected with the development of models of uncertain knowledge and their applications to computer aided decision making. Global aim is to contribute to development of a theoretical, algorithmic and software background for solution of real life problems in complex situations based on different sources of knowledge and data.