VŘSR is a traditional workshop sequentially organized by colleagues from UTIA, IRAFM Ostrava University, and UI. The meeting is focused mainly on the presentation of fresh (inter) results of participating doctoral students and their subsequent discussion in a wider plenary of experienced science matadors. Contributions traditionally come from different areas of uncertainty processing.
The Sixteenth European Conference on Symbolic and Quantitative Approaches to Reasoning with Uncertainty (ECSQARU 2021) will be organized by our institute on September 21-24, 2021.
The department of Decision-Making Theory organizes a Mini-Symposium dedicated to three exceptional speakers: Silvia Carpitella, Tobias Boege, and Michael Mandlmayr. The Mini-Symposium is organized in a hybrid form. It is possible to participate either in person or connect virtually using the Zoom application.
Workshop on Stochastics Informatics and Decision Making - well known as Alšovice according to the traditional venue of many of the first meetings - is an annual workshop organized by members of the department of Stochastic Informatics of the Institute of Information Theory and Automation o
Online workshop, 22-23 March 2021
The Nonlinear Meeting 2021 is the 6th of a series of annual workshops focusing on nonlinear analysis and differential problems. This edition's common thread will cover theoretical topics on reaction-diffusion equations and dynamical systems with possible applications to biology or physics.
For registration, schedule and additional information please visit the webpage of the event.
UrbanSmartPark project final event will be organized on December 9 and 16, 2020. You can see live demonstration of automated on-street parking and services in the harbor area as well as the conception and provision of parking services.
Online workshop - 11th December 2020, 15.00-19.30 CET
This online workshop focuses on unraveling locomotion mechanisms of biological systems like swimming, crawling or slithering. The use of mathematical models provides a powerful tool to understand these mechanisms and to design artificial replicas for industrial or medical purposes. The latest findings in the field are presented and discussed, and the dialogue between the mathematical and engineering communities is encouraged.
Hlavním cílem konference Covid v modelech je představit veřejnosti pokroky v modelování pandemie COVID-19 a jejích dopadů na společnost. Budou v ní prezentovány dílčí výsledky projektu Město pro lidi, ne pro virus, který je v ÚTIA řešen od 1. 9. 2020 pod vedením Martina Šmída z oddělení Ekonometrie.
The Winter School of the Department of Decision-Making Theory is a popular meeting of students and researchers from the department and collaborating researchers from several Czech institutions as well as guests from abroad. It takes place at the UTIA's chalet. The event is organized by M. Studený and J.Vomlel. The scientific program covers the research interests of the department MTR UTIA and of our invited guests.
Useful information