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Journal Article

On the generalized Lorenz canonical form

Čelikovský Sergej, Guanrong Ch.

: Chaos Solitons & Fractals vol.26, 5 (2005), p. 1271-1276

: CEZ:AV0Z10750506

: GA102/05/0011, GA ČR, 1P05LA262, GA MŠk

: chaos, synchronization, canonical form

(eng): This short note is to briefly introduce the new notion of generalized Lorenz canonical form (GLCF), which contains the classical Lorenz system and the newly discovered Chen system as two extreme cases, along with infinitely many chaotic systems in between. It also points out that some recently reported chaotic systems are special cases of the GLCF.

(cze): Tato práce popisuje nový pojem zobecněného Lorenzova systému a jeho kanonickou formu. Dále ukazuje, že tato kanonická forma v sobě zahrnuje celou řadu zdánlivě mezi sebou nesouvisejících systémů.

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