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  1. Čelikovský Sergej, Guanrong Ch.On the generalized Lorenz canonical form , Chaos Solitons & Fractals vol.26, 5 (2005), p. 1271-1276 [2005]

  1. Rehák B., Orozco-Mora J., Čelikovský Sergej, Ruiz-León J.Femlab-based output regulation of nonhyperbolically nonminimum phase system and its real-time impementation , Preprints of the 16th World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control, p. 1-6 , Eds: Horáček P., Šimandl M., Zítek P., IFAC, (Prague 2005) , IFAC World Congress /16./, (Prague, CZ, 03.07.2005-08.08.2005) [2005]
  2. Espejel-Rivera A., Ramos-Velasco L. E., Čelikovský SergejVisual servoing for an underactuated manipulator , Preprints of the 16th World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control, p. 1-6 , Eds: Horáček P., Šimandl M., Zítek P., IFAC, (Prague 2005) , IFAC World Congress /16./, (Prague, CZ, 03.07.2005-08.07.2005) [2005]
  3. Velasco L.E. R., Čelikovský Sergej, Kučera V., Morales V. L.Generalized output regulation problem for a class of nonlinear systems using error feedback , American Control Conference 2005, p. 1325-1330, American Control Conference 2005, (Portland, US, 08.06.2005-10.06.2005) [2005]