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Journal Article

Arithmetic on the European Logarithmic Microprocessor

Coleman J. N., Chester E. I., Softley C. I., Kadlec Jiří

: IEEE Transactions on Computers vol.49, 7 (2000), p. 702-715

: AV0Z1075907

: OK 314, MŠMT, LN00B096, MŠMT, ESPRIT 33544 HSLA, Commission EC

(eng): A new European research project aims to develop a microprocessor based on the logarithmic number system in which a real number is represented as a fixed-point logarithm. Multiplication and division therefore proceed in minimal time with no rounding error. However, the system can only offer an overall advantage over floating-point if addition and subtraction can be performed with speed and accuracy at least equal to that of floating-point.

: 09G

: JC