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Conference Paper (international conference)

Anti-synchronization chaos shift keying method: error derivative detection improvement

Čelikovský Sergej, Lynnyk Volodymyr

: CHAOS 09, p. 1-6

: Chaos 09, (Londýn, GB, 22.06.2009-24.06.2009)

: CEZ:AV0Z10750506

: GA102/08/0186, GA ČR, LA09026, GA MŠk

: Nonlinear system, chaos shift keying, generalized Lorenz system

(eng): This paper studies a new modi¯cation of the anti-synchronization chaos shift keying scheme for the secure encryption and decryption of data. A new concept of the detection of the correct/incorect binary value in the receiver is used. The method proposed here requires very reasonable amount of data to encrypt and time to decrypt a single bit. Basically, to encrypt a single bit, only one iteration is needed. Moreover, the security of this method is systematically investigated showing its good resistance to typical decryption attacks. Theoretical results are supported by the numerical simulations.

(cze): Článek studuje novou modifikaci ACSK metody, která se snaží o detekci anti-synchronizace pomocí porovnání derivace chyby. Výsledkem je výrazné vylepšení vlastností, zejmena rychlosti detekce a tim zmenšení objemu dat potřebných k zašifrování jednoho bitu.

: BC