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Štěpán Papáček

  1. Polach P., Papáček ŠtěpánON A STEPLADDER CYCLIC WALKING: STRUCTURE AND PARAMETERS IDENTIFICATION OF AN UNDERACTUATED HYBRID STATE MODEL , Projektowanie, badania i eksploatacja - 2023 : Monografia, p. 93-100 , Eds: Rysiński Jacek [2023] Download DOI: 10.53052/9788367652148

  1. Papáček Štěpán, Matonoha CtiradA note on the D-QSSA method with optimal constant delays applied to a class of mathematical models , PANM 22: Programy a algoritmy numericke matematiky 22. Abstrakty, p. 12-12, PANM 22: Programy a algoritmy numericke matematiky /22./, (Hejnice, CZ, 20240623) [2024] Download
  2. Polach P., Prokýšek R., Papáček ŠtěpánOn a stepladder model walking (with and without a decorator) , PROCEEDINGS OF COMPUTATIONAL MECHANICS 2023, p. 167-169 , Eds: Adámek Vítězslav, Jonášová Alena, Plánička Stanislav, COMPUTATIONAL MECHANICS 2023 /38./, (Srní, CZ, 20231023) [2023] Download
  3. Papáček Štěpán, Matonoha Ctirad, Sanchez A.On the D-QSSA Method With Optimal Constant Delays Applied to a Class of Mathematical Models , ODAM 2023 Book of Abstracts, p. 58-58, ODAM 2023: Olomoucian Days of Applied Mathematics, (Olomouc, CZ, 20230612) [2023] Download
  4. Matonoha Ctirad, Papáček ŠtěpánBohl-Marek Formulation of the Nonlinear System of ODEs for a Class of Mathematical Models With Conservation Laws , ODAM 2023 Book of Abstracts, p. 51-52, ODAM 2023: Olomoucian Days of Applied Mathematics, (Olomouc, CZ, 20230612) [2023] Download
  5. Polach P., Anderle Milan, Zezula Pavel, Papáček ŠtěpánCOMPUTER SIMULATION STUDY OF THE STABILITY OF UNDERACTUATED BIPEDAL ROBOT MODELS (motivated by Griffin and Grizzle, 2017) , ENGINEERING MECHANICS 2023 : 29th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE - BOOK OF FULL TEXTS, p. 207-210 , Eds: Radolf V., Zolotarev I., Engineering Mechanics 2023 /29./, (Milovy, CZ, 20230509) [2023] Download
  6. Duintjer Tebbens Jurjen, Lanzendörfer M., Matonoha Ctirad, Papáček ŠtěpánPreconditioning for the integration of a spatiotemporal pharmacodynamic system , Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics , Eds: Böhm Ch., Mang K., Markert B., Reese S., Schmidtchen M., Waimann J., Kaliske M., Annual Meeting of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics /92./, (Aachen, DE, 20220815) [2023] Download DOI: 10.1002/pamm.202200268
  7. Papáček Štěpán, Matonoha Ctirad, Duintjer Tebbens JurjenBohl-Marek decomposition applied to a class of biochemical networks with conservation properties , Proceedings of the Seminar on Numerical Analysis & Winter School /SNA' 23/, p. 56-59 , Eds: Starý Jiří, Sysala Stanislav, Sysalová Dagmar, SEMINAR ON NUMERICAL ANALYSIS - SNA'23 In memoriam of professor Radim Blaheta, (Ostrava, CZ, 20230123) [2023] Download
  8. Papáček Štěpán, Matonoha CtiradAn enhanced model parameter estimation by a slow-fast decomposition based on the first order two time-scale expansion , Proceedings of the PANM 21 Programy a algoritmy numericke matematiky 21 /2022/, p. 19-19, PANM 21 Programy a algoritmy numericke matematiky 21 /2022/, (Jablonec nad Nisou, CZ, 20220619) [2023] Download
  9. Papáček Štěpán, Matonoha CtiradTESTING THE METHOD OF MULTIPLE SCALES AND THE AVERAGING PRINCIPLE FOR MODEL PARAMETER ESTIMATION OF QUASIPERIODIC TWO TIME-SCALE MODELS , Programs and Algorithms of Numerical Mathematics 21 : Proceedings of Seminar, p. 163-172 , Eds: Kůs P., Papež J., Rozložník M., Segeth K., Šístek J., Programs and Algorithms of Numerical Mathematics 21, PANM 21 /2022/, (Jablonec nad Nisou, CZ, 20220619) [2023] Download DOI: 10.21136/panm.2022.15
  10. Polach P., Anderle Milan, Papáček ŠtěpánON THE DESIGN AND MODELING OF A TRAINER FOR THE UNDERACTUATED WALKING ROBOT WITHOUT ANKLES , Proceedings of 27/28th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE (2022), p. 309-312, The International Conferences ENGINEERING MECHANICS 2022 /27.+28/, (Milovy, CZ, 20220509) [2022] Download DOI: 10.21495/51-2-309
  11. Papáček Štěpán, Polach P., Prokýšek R., Anderle MilanOn a class of biped underactuated robot models with upper body: Sensitivity analysis of the walking performance , Proceedings of the 37th conference on COMPUTATIONAL MECHANICS 2022 (CM 2022), p. 99-102, Conference on COMPUTATIONAL MECHANICS 2022 (CM 2022) /37./, (Srní, CZ, 20221107) [2022] Download
  12. Papáček Štěpán, Rehák Branislav, Lynnyk Volodymyr, Lynnyk AnnaAnalysis of a Model Reduction Method (D-QSSA) applied to a Class of Biochemical Networks , IFAC-PapersOnLine.Volume 54, Issue 15 - 11th IFAC Symposium on Biological and Medical Systems BMS 2021, p. 568-573, Biological and Medical Systems - 11th IFAC Symposium BMS 2021™, Ghent, Belgium, (Ghent, BE, 20210919) [2021] Download DOI: 10.1016/j.ifacol.2021.10.317
  13. Papáček Štěpán, Lynnyk VolodymyrQuasi-steady state assumption vs. delayed quasi-steady state assumption: Model reduction tools for biochemical processes , Proceedings of the 2021 23rd International Conference on Process Control (PC), p. 278-283 , Eds: Paulen R., Fikar M., International Conference on Process Control 2021 /23./, (Štrbské Pleso, SK, 20210601) [2021] DOI: 10.1109/PC52310.2021.9447532
  14. Papáček Štěpán, Lynnyk Volodymyr, Rehák BranislavREGULATORY NETWORK OF DRUG-INDUCED ENZYME PRODUCTION: PARAMETER ESTIMATION BASED ON THE PERIODIC DOSING RESPONSE MEASUREMENT , Programs and Algorithms of Numerical Mathematics. Proceedings of Seminar, p. 89-97 , Eds: Chleboun J., Kůs P., Přikryl P., Rozložník M., Segeth K., Šístek J., Programy a algoritmy numericke matematiky 2020 (PANM 2020), (Hejnice, CZ, 20200621) [2021] Download DOI: 10.21136/panm.2020.09
  15. Papáček Štěpán, Matonoha Ctirad, Duintjer Tebbens JurjenMathematics and Optimal control theory meet Pharmacy: Towards application of special techniques in modeling, control and optimization of biochemical networks , Proceedings of the SNA'21 Seminar on Numerical Analysis Modelling and Simulation of Challenging Engineering Problems, p. 60-63 , Eds: Starý Jiří, Sysala Stanislav, SNA'21 Seminar on Numerical Analysis Modelling and Simulation of Challenging Engineering Problems (SNA'21 2021), (Ostrava, CZ, 20210125) [2021] Download
  16. Papáček Štěpán, Lynnyk Volodymyr, Rehák BranislavSystems biology analysis of a drug metabolism (with slow-fast. . . ) , Proceedings of the PANM 20 Programy a algoritmy numericke matematiky 20, Programy a algoritmy numericke matematiky 2020 (PANM 2020), (Hejnice, CZ, 20200621) [2020] Download