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F. J. Kraus

  1. Kučera Vladimír, Kraus F. J.Robust regional pole placement: An affine approximation , Robustness in Identification and Control, p. 258-270 , Eds: Garulli A., Tesi A., Vicino A., Springer, (Berlin 1999) Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences. vol.245 [1999]

  1. Šebek Michael, Kraus F. J.Stochastic LQ-optimal control for 2-D systems , Multidimensional Systems and Signal Processing vol.6, 3 (1995), p. 275-285 [1995]
  2. Kučera Vladimír, Kraus F. J.Regional pole placement , Kybernetika vol.31, 6 (1995), p. 541-546 [1995]
  3. Kučera Vladimír, Kraus F. J.FIFO stable control systems , Automatica vol.31, 4 (1995), p. 605-609 [1995]

  1. Kraus F. J., Kučera VladimírLinear quadratic and pole placement iterative design , European Control Conference. ECC '99, VDI/VDE GMA, (Karlsruhe 1999) , European Control Conference. ECC '99, (Karlsruhe, DE, 31.08.1999-03.09.1999) [1999]
  2. Kučera Vladimír, Kraus F. J.Jak kvadratickým kritériem jednotlivé póly přemístit , Process Control '99. Proceedings, p. 1-5 , Eds: Mikleš J., Dvoran J., Krejčí S., Fikar M., Slovak University of Technology, (Bratislava 1999) , Process Control '99 /12./, (Tatranske Matliare, SK, 31.05.1999-03.06.1999) [1999]
  3. Kraus F. J., Kučera VladimírRobust assignment of polynomial matrix polytopes , European Control Conference , Eds: Bastin G., Gevers M., EUCA, (Brussels 1997) , ECC '97 /4./, (Brussels, BE, 01.07.1997-04.07.1997) [1997]
  4. Kulhavý Rudolf, Kraus F. J.On duality of exponential and linear forgetting , Preprints of the 13th World Congress of IFAC, p. 403-408 , Eds: Gertler J. J., Cruz J. B., Peshkin M., IFAC, (San Francisco 1996) , World Congress of IFAC /13./, (San Francisco, US, 30.06.1996-05.07.1996) [1996]
  5. Šebek Michael, Kraus F. J.Robust stability of polynomial matrices , Preprints of the 13th World Congress of IFAC, p. 2988-2989 , Eds: Gertler J. J., Cruz J. B., Peshkin M., IFAC, (San Francisco 1996) , World Congress of IFAC /13./, (San Francisco, US, 30.06.1996-05.07.1996) [1996]
  6. Kraus F. J., Mansour M., Šebek MichaelHurwitz matrix for polynomial matrices , Centennial Hurwitz Conference on Stability Theory. Proceedings, p. 67-74 , Eds: Jeltsch R., Mansour M., Birkhäuser, (Basel 1996) International Series of Numerical Mathematics. vol.121 , Centennial Hurwitz Conference on Stability Theory, (Monte Verita, CH, 10.06.1996-12.06.1996) [1996]
  7. Šebek Michael, Kraus F. J.Robust disturbance rejection , Proceedings of the 34th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, p. 2988-2989, IEEE, (Piscataway 1995) , IEEE Conference on Decision and Control /34./, (New Orleans, US, 13.12.1995-15.12.1995) [1995]
  8. Šebek Michael, Kraus F. J.Sub-optimum H_infinity problem for 2-D MIMO systems , Proceedings of the 3rd IEEE Mediterranean Conference, p. 101-104, IEEE, (Limassol 1995) , IEEE Mediterranean Conference /3./, (Limassol, CY, 11.07.1995-13.07.1995) [1995]
  9. Šebek Michael, Kraus F. J.On H_infinity problems for 2-D systems , Preprints of the IFAC Conference on System Structure and Control, p. 511-515, Ecole Centrale, (Nantes 1995) , IFAC Conference on System Structure and Control, (Nantes, FR, 05.07.1995-07.07.1995) [1995]
  10. Šebek Michael, Kraus F. J.One-dimensional control of multi-dimensional systems , Proceedings of the Third European Control Conference, p. 1754-1756 , Eds: Isidori A., EUCA, (Roma 1995) , ECC'95 /3./, (Roma, IT, 05.09.1995-08.09.1995) [1995]
  11. Šebek Michael, Kraus F. J.From Robust Stabilization to Robust Performance, Automatic Control Laboratory, (Zürich 1994) Research Report 94-02 [1994]
  12. Kučera Vladimír, Kraus F. J.Pole placement within a region , New Directions in Control and Automation. Proceedings, p. 205-208, IEEE, (Chania 1994) , IEEE Mediterranean Symposium /2./, (Chania, GR, 19.06.1994-22.06.1994) [1994]
  13. Kučera Vladimír, Kraus F. J.FIFO Stable Control Systems , Preprints of the 12th World Congress IFAC, p. 91-96, IFAC, (Sydney 1993) , World Congress IFAC /12./, (Sydney, AU, 18.07.1993-23.07.1993) [1993]
  14. Kraus F. J., Mansour M., Kučera VladimírCoprimeness of Polytopes of Polynomials , Proceedings of the American Control Conference, p. 231-235, IEEE, (Evanston 1993) , American Control Conference, (San Francisco, US, 02.06.1993-04.06.1993) [1993]