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Rudolf Kulhavý

  1. Kulhavý RudolfRandomized algorithms for control and optimization , Automation, p. 1-14 , Eds: Samad T., Wayrauch J., Wiley, (New York 2000) [2000]
  2. Kulhavý RudolfOn extension of information geometry of parameter estimation to state estimation , Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems, p. 827-830 , Eds: Finesso L., Picci G., Il Poligrafo, (Padova 1998) [1998]
  3. Kulhavý RudolfRecursive Nonlinear Estimation. A Geometric Approach, Springer, (London 1996) Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences. vol.216 [1996]

  1. Kulhavý Rudolf, Ivanova PetyaQuo vadis, Bayesian identification? , International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing vol.13, 6 (1999), p. 469-485 [1999]
  2. Kulhavý Rudolf, Zarrop M. B.On a General Concept of Forgetting , International Journal of Control vol.58, 4 (1993), p. 905-924 [1993]
  3. Kulhavý RudolfA Bayes-closed approximation of recursive non-linear estimation , International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing vol.4, 4 (1990), p. 271-285 [1990]
  4. Kulhavý RudolfRecursive Bayesian Estimation under Memory Limitation , Kybernetika vol.26, 1 (1990), p. 1-16 [1990]
  5. Kulhavý RudolfRecursive Nonlinear Estimation: A Geometric Approach , Automatica vol.26, 3 (1990), p. 545-555 [1990]
  6. Kulhavý Rudolf, Kliokys E.Tracking of Time-Varying Parameters in Delta Models , Problems of Control and Information Theory vol.18, 2 (1989), p. 107-123 [1989]

  1. Kulhavý RudolfModeling of Network Dynamics: From Dynamic Nodes to Dynamic Structure , Proceedings of the 26th International Conference of the System Dynamics Society, p. 1-29, International Conference of the System Dynamics Society /26./, (Athens, GR, 20.07.2008-24.07.2008) [2008] Download
  2. Kulhavý RudolfBayesian Analysis of Stochastic System Dynamics , Proceedings of the 25th International Conference of the System Dynamics Society, p. 1-26, International Conference of the System Dynamics Society /25./, (Boston, US, 29.07.2007-02.08.2007) [2007] Download
  3. Kulhavý Rudolf, Ivanova PetyaMemory-based prediction in control and optimization , IFAC World Congress 1999. Proceedings, p. 289-294, Pergamon, (Oxford 1999) , IFAC World Congress 1999 /14./, (Beijing, CN, 05.07.1999-09.07.1999) [1999]
  4. Kulhavý RudolfOn-line nonlinear estimation , Preprint of the 3rd European IEEE Workshop on Computer-Intensive Methods in Control and Data Processing, p. 11-18, ÚTIA AV ČR, (Praha 1998) , CMP '98 /3./, (Praha, CZ, 25.07.1998-29.07.1998) [1998]
  5. Ivanova Petya, Kulhavý RudolfTowards the optimal design of nonlinear predictors based on developments in chaos and wavelet theories , Preprints of the 3rd European IEEE Workshop on Computer-Intensive Methods in Control and Data Processing, p. 279-284 , Eds: Rojíček J., Valečková M., Kárný M., Warwick K., ÚTIA AV ČR, (Praha 1998) , CMP'98 /3./, (Praha, CZ, 07.09.1998-09.09.1998) [1998]
  6. Kulhavý RudolfSystem identification: From matching data to matching probabilities , European Control Conference, p. 131-160 , Eds: Bastin G., Gevers M., EUCA, (Brussels 1997) , ECC '97 /4./, (Brussels, BE, 01.07.1997-04.07.1997) [1997]
  7. Kulhavý Rudolf, Tesař LudvíkOn dual expression of prior information in Bayesian parameter estimation , Preprints of the 11th IFAC Symposium on System Identification, p. 451-456 , Eds: Sawaragi Y., Sagara S., IFAC, (Kitakyushu 1997) , SYSID '97, (Kitakyushu, JP, 08.07.1997-11.07.1997) [1997] Download
  8. Kulhavý RudolfApproximate fault detection and isolation using compressed data , Preprints of IFAC Symposium on Fault Detection, Supervision and Safety for Technical Processes, p. 1009-1014 , Eds: Patton R. J., Chen J., IFAC, (Hull 1997) , SAFEPROCESS '97, (Hull, GB, 26.08.1997-28.08.1997) [1997]
  9. Kulhavý Rudolf, Kraus F. J.On duality of exponential and linear forgetting , Preprints of the 13th World Congress of IFAC, p. 403-408 , Eds: Gertler J. J., Cruz J. B., Peshkin M., IFAC, (San Francisco 1996) , World Congress of IFAC /13./, (San Francisco, US, 30.06.1996-05.07.1996) [1996]
  10. Gacon D. M., Zarrop M. B., Kulhavý RudolfEM estimation and control of two-dimensional systems , Proceedings of the UKACC International Conference CONTROL '96, p. -, IEE, (Exeter 1996) , UKACC International Conference CONTROL '96, (Exeter, GB, 02.09.1996-05.09.1996) [1996]
  11. Kulhavý RudolfRecursive nonlinear estimation of non-linear/non-Gaussian dynamic models , Computer-Intensive Methods in Control and Signal Processing. Preprints of the 2nd European IEEE Workshop CMP'96, p. 171-182 , Eds: Berec L., Rojíček J., Kárný M., Warwick K., ÚTIA AV ČR, (Praha 1996) , European IEEE Workshop CMP'96 /2./, (Prague, CZ, 28.08.1996-30.08.1996) [1996]
  12. Kulhavý RudolfA Geometric approach to statistical estimation , Proceedings of the 34th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, p. 1097-1102, IEEE, (Piscataway 1995) , IEEE Conference on Decision and Control /34./, (New Orleans, US, 13.12.1995-15.12.1995) [1995] Download
  13. Tong Sonling, Kulhavý RudolfLarge Deviation Principle-Based Design of Closed-Loop Control Systems, ÚTIA AV ČR, (Praha 1995) Research Report 1862 [1995]
  14. Kulhavý RudolfRecursive nonlinear estimation through global approximation of model , Proceedings of the Third European Control Conference, p. 1273-1278 , Eds: Isidori A., EUCA, (Roma 1995) , ECC '95 /3./, (Roma, IT, 05.09.1995-08.09.1995) [1995] Download
  15. Kulhavý RudolfA Kullback-Leibler distance approach to system identification , Adaptive Systems in Control and Signal Processing. Preprints, p. 55-66 , Eds: Bányász Cs., IFAC, (Budapest 1995) , ACASP'95. IFAC Symposium /5./, (Budapest, HU, 14.06.1995-16.06.1995) [1995] Download
  16. Kulhavý RudolfBayesian estimation, large deviations, and incomplete data , Proceedings of the 33rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, p. 755-756, IEEE, (Lake Buena Vista 1994) , IEEE Conference on Decision and Control /33./, (Lake Buena Vista, US, 14.12.1994-16.12.1994) [1994] Download
  17. Kulhavý Rudolf, Hrnčíř FrantišekApproximation and uncertainty in parameter estimation , Computer-Intensive Methods in Control and Signal Processing, p. 61-70 , Eds: Kulhavá L., Kárný M., Warwick K., ÚTIA AV ČR, (Praha 1994) , IEEE Workshop CMP '94, (Praha, CZ, 07.09.1994-09.09.1994) [1994] Download
  18. Kulhavý RudolfRecursive Nonlinear Estimation through Global Approximation of Model, ÚTIA AV ČR, (Praha 1994) Research Report 1813 [1994]
  19. Kulhavý RudolfCan we preserve the structure of recursive Bayesian estimation in a limited-dimensional implementation? , Systems and Networks: Mathematical Theory and Applications, p. 251-272 , Eds: Helmke U., Mennicken R., Saurer J., Akademie Verlag, (Berlin 1994) Mathematical Research. vol.79 , International Symposium MTNS '93 /10./, (Regensburg, DE, 02.08.1993-06.08.1993) [1994] Download
  20. Kulhavý RudolfBayesian Estimation, Large Deviations, and Incomplete Data, ÚTIA AV ČR, (Praha 1994) Research Report 1810 [1994]
  21. Kulhavý Rudolf, Hrnčíř FrantišekApproximation and Uncertainty in Parameter Estimation, ÚTIA AV ČR, (Praha 1994) Research Report 1811 [1994]
  22. Kulhavý RudolfOn Design of Approximate Finite-Dimensional Estimators: the Bayesian View , Mutual Impact of Computing Power and Control Theory, p. 13-39 , Eds: Kárný M., Warwick K., Plenum Press, (New York 1993) , IFAC Workshop on the Mutual Impact of Computing Power and Control Theory, (Prague, CZ, 01.09.1992-02.09.1992) [1993]
  23. Kulhavý RudolfCan Approximate Bayesian Estimation be Consistent with the Ideal Solution? , Preprints of the 12th World Congress IFAC, p. 225-228, IFAC, (Sydney 1993) , World Congress IFAC /12./, (Sydney, AU, 18.07.1993-23.07.1993) [1993] Download
  24. Kulhavý RudolfOn Design of Approximate Finite-Dimensional Estimators: the Bayesian View , International Summer School '92 on Modern Control Theory, p. 129-138, ČVUTÚTIA, (Praha 1992) , International Summer School '92 on Modern Control Theory, (Praha, CS, 01.09.1992-04.09.1992) [1992]
  25. Heath W. P., Kulhavý RudolfBayesian Structure Determination for Two-Dimensional ARX Processes, UMIST, (Manchester 1992) Research Report 755 [1992]
  26. Kulhavý RudolfCan Approximate Bayesian Estimation be Consistent with the Ideal Solution?, UMIST, (Manchester 1992) Research Report 766 [1992]
  27. Kulhavý Rudolf, Zarrop M. B.On a General Concept of Forgetting, UMIST, (Manchester 1992) Research Report 757 [1992]
  28. Kulhavý RudolfOn Design of Approximate Finite-Dimensional Estimators: the Bayesian View, UMIST, (Manchester 1992) Research Report 758 [1992]
  29. Kulhavý RudolfOn Design of Approximate Finite-Dimensional Estimators: the Bayesian View , IFAC Workshop on Mutual Impact of Computing Power and Control Theory. MICC '92, p. 13-24 , Eds: Kárný M., Warwick K., ÚTIA ČSAV, (Prague 1992) , IFAC Workshop on Mutual Impact of Computing Power and Control Theory. MICC '92, (Praha, CS, 01.09.1992-02.09.1992) [1992]
  30. Heath W. P., Kulhavý RudolfBayesian Structure Determination for Two-Dimensional ARX Processes , 4th IFAC International Symposium on Adaptive Systems in Control and Signal Processing. ACASP '92, p. 693-698 , Eds: Landau I. D., Dugard L., M'Saad M., Laboratoire d'Automatique, (Grenoble 1992) , IFAC International Symposium on Adaptive Systems in Control and Signal Processing. ACASP '92 /4./, (Grenoble, FR, 01.07.1992-03.07.1992) [1992]
  31. Kulhavý Rudolf, Nagy Ivan, Spousta JanTowards Real-Time Implementation of Bayesian Parameter Estimation , 4th IFAC International Symposium on Adaptive Systems in Control and Signal Processing. ACASP '92, p. 263-268 , Eds: Landau I. D., Dugard L., M'Saad M., Laboratoire d'Automatique, (Grenoble 1992) , IFAC International Symposium on Adaptive Systems in Control and Signal Processing. ACASP '92 /4./, (Grenoble, FR, 01.07.1992-03.07.1992) [1992]
  32. Böhm Josef, Kulhavý RudolfTowards More Credible Self-tuners , Advanced Methods in Adaptive Control for Industrial Applications, p. 189-205 , Eds: Warwick K., Kárný M., Halousková A., Springer, (Berlin 1991) , Czechoslovak-UK Seminar on Advanced Methods in Adaptive Control for Industrial Applications, (Praha, CS, 14.05.1990-16.05.1990) [1991] Download
  33. Kulhavý Rudolf[Recenze] , Automatica vol.27, 1 (1991), p. 211-212 [1991]
  34. Kulhavý RudolfDifferential geometry of recursive nonlinear estimation , Preprints of the 11th IFAC World Congress, p. 113-118, Institute of Cybernetics of the Estonian Academy of Sciences, (Tallinn 1990) , IFAC World Congress /11./, (Tallinn, SU, 13.08.1990-17.08.1990) [1990]
  35. Kulhavý Rudolf[Recenze] , Automatica vol.26, 1 (1990), p. 183-184 [1990]
  36. Kulhavý RudolfFiltrace hrubě kvantových měření jako příklad průběžného nelineárního odhadování , ASRTP '90. Zborník prednášok z 9.celoštátnej konferencie, p. 133-140, ČSVTS pri Ústave racionalizácie priemyslu, (Žilina 1990) , ASRTP '90 /9./, (Tále, CS, 22.05.1990-24.05.1990) [1990]
  37. Böhm Josef, Kárný Miroslav, Kulhavý RudolfPractically Oriented LQ Selftuners , Evaluation of Adaptive Control in Industrial Applications. Preprints, p. -, AN SSSR, (Tbilisi 1989) , Workshop on Evaluation of Adaptive Control in Industrial Applications., (Tbilisi, SU, 00.05.1989-00.05.1989) [1989]
  38. Kulhavý RudolfRecursive Nonlinear Estimation: Geometry of Orthogonal Projections, ÚTIA ČSAV, (Praha 1989) Research Report 1600 [1989]
  39. Böhm Josef, Kulhavý RudolfKompaktní adaptivní regulátor obecné struktury , Zborník přednášek z 8. celostátní konference ASRTP 88, p. 163-171, Komitét aplikované kybernetiky ČSVTS, (Žilina 1988) , ASRTP 88 /8./, (Tále - Nízké Tatry, CS, 30.05.1988-02.06.1988) [1988]