Even highly creative people (scientists, artists, influencers...) are able to create a limited number of significant outputs in life. Predicting the extent to which their creative capacity is exhausted is important for making decisions affecting their careers. The work is focused on the creation and data-driven personalization of the personal creative productivity drawing model. From a formal point of view, it is an analysis of short, highly volatile time series, with the fact that the quality of predicting the next 'production' of the person under investigation can strongly influence his professional life.
1. Learn about Bayesian parameter estimation.
2. Familiarize yourself with productivity modeling and choose a simple parametric model.
3. Get to know the numerical indicators of the productivity of scientists (or artists).
4. Choose an indicator available from public sources and collect the corresponding data.
5. Implement the proposed estimator in MATLAB and evaluate the quality your estimation and the resulting prediction.
Doporučená literatura (části vybrané po dohodě se školitelem)
1. V. Peterka, Bayesian System Identification, in P. Eykhoff "Trends and Progress in System Identification", Pergamon Press, Oxford, 239-304, 1981.
2. C. Marchetti. Action curves and clockwork geniuses. Technical report, IASA, Laxenburg, Vienna, 1984.
3. T. Braun, W. Ganzel, and A. Schubert. Scientometric indicators. World Scientific, (1985).
4. J. Mingers and L. Leydesdor_. A review of theory and practice in scientometrics. European Journal of Operational Research, 246 (2015),1-19.