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Ing. Rudolf Kulhavý, DrSc.

This person is no longer active at UTIA.
Research associate
Research interests
probabilistic modeling of dynamic networks
Publications ÚTIA

Research interests: Research on quantitative methods in strategic business management, with special focus on solving resource allocation problems and modeling consumer preference archetypes. Projects: 12 research projects. Publications: 1 monograph (Recursive Nonlinear Estimation: A Geometric Approach, Springer, London 1996), about 50 refereed papers. Education: Ing. (MSc) Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Czech Technical University, 1981; CSc. (PhD) Institute of Information Theory and Automation, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, 1985; DrSc. (DSc) Institute of Information Theory and Automation, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, 1996. Employment: Institute of Information Theory and Automation, 1985-1996 (full-time), 1996-2009 (part-time), 2018-present (part-time); Honeywell Laboratories, 1996-2004; IBM Global Technology Services, 2004-2018. Teaching: Supervision of students (4 PhD, 1 MSc); 1993–1995, lectures on system identification and nonlinear estimation to postgraduate and senior undergraduate students at the Faculties of Electrical and Nuclear Engineering, Czech Technical University. Awards: 1989 Young Author Prize of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences; 1990 Young Author Prize at the 11th IFAC World Congress, Tallinn; 1992 Prize of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences to a research team led by R. Kulhavý; 1994 Best Paper Prize at the IEEE European Workshop on Computer Intensive Methods in Control and Signal Processing, Prague; 1995 Best 1993–94 Publication of the Institute of Information Theory and Automation; 1997 Best Paper Prize at the IFAC Symposium on Fault Detection, Supervision and Safety for Technical Processes, Hull, UK; 2000 Innovation Award (together with Zdeněk Schindler) at PowerGen Europe Conference; 2001, 2004 Honeywell Technical Achievement Awards. Others: Invited lectures at multiple events, incl. IFAC Symposium on Adaptive Systems in Control and Signal Processing, Budapest, 1995 (plenary lecture); European Control Conference, Brussels, 1997 (semi-plenary lecture); NATO Advanced Study Institute on Learning Theory and Practice, Leuven, 2002; Hamilton Institute, National University of Ireland, Maynooth, 2009.

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The proposed project deals with modeling and simulation of dynamic value networks, which are increasingly replacing the traditional vertically integrated enterprises. The project´s objective is to…