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Ing. Silvia Carpitella, Ph.D.

This person is no longer active at UTIA.
Postdoctoral Researcher
Research interests
Decision Support Systems, Treatment of Data Uncertainty, Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Methods, Process Modelling and Optimisation
Publications ÚTIA


I am a PhD in Technological Innovation Engineering and a PhD in Mathematics. I started my career as a research fellow at the University of Palermo (Italy) where, a few years later, I undertook my doctoral studies. As a PhD student, I carried out my first research traineeship within the Erasmus project at the Polytechnic University of Valencia (Spain), where I had the possibility to join a second program of doctorate by developing my doctoral thesis according to an agreement of cotutelle between the two universities. In order to further complement my work of thesis, I successively joined a second Erasmus traineeship at the University of Bath (United Kingdom), a professional traineeship at the company Ingeniousware GmbH (Germany) and a short visit at the IMT Mines Albi-Carmaux (France). Apart from gaining the title of Doctor Europaeus, my thesis has been awarded with the cum laude mention, one international mention of merit and two prizes. In the postdoctoral period, I undertook research experiences at the company Aguas Bixquert SL (Spain), at the Federal University of Minas Gerais (Brazil) and at the University of Sheffield (United Kingdom), the last one again under the umbrella of the Erasmus project. I joined the Department of Decision-Making Theory of the Institute of Information Theory and Automation of the Czech Academy of Sciences (Czech Republic) in 2020, where I work as a researcher, and I have been a research fellow at the Faculty of Management of the Prague University of Economics and Business (Czech Republic) for the period 2020-2022. An overview of my experience and publications can be seen here.


On the whole, my main research interests integrate engineering and math, with a particular focus on decision support systems, treatment of uncertainty affecting human evaluations, mathematical modelling and process optimisation. I have been gaining experience in developing research projects and applying for grants as a principal investigator. My works mainly focus on the field of human factors and decision-making for safety and supply chain management in industrial contexts. I contributed to the following research projects admitted for funding on the basis of competitive calls and peer review processes:

  • "Managerial Decisions: Rationality of Paradoxical Behaviour", funded by Grantová Agentura České Republiky (GAČR) [2020-2022].
  • "Data processing innovation in the Cultural Heritage sector", funded by the Italian Program for Research 2015-2020 [2020].
  • "Mechanical sweeper on a truck with intelligent remote diagnostics", funded by PO FESR Sicilian Region 2007-2013 [2014-2015].


I achieved the National Scientific qualification as associate in the Italian higher education system for the disciplinary field of Industrial Mechanical Systems Engineering (by ASN, MIUR), and the National Scientific qualification as assistant in the Spanish higher education system for the disciplinary field of Technical Education (by ANECA). I am currently co-supervising two doctoral theses and lecturing within a scientific internship for the program Otevřená věda of the Czech Academy of Sciences. I served as a university teaching assistant, mainly in Italy but occasionally also in Spain for the following courses:

  • "Production and Plants Management", BSC in Digital Enterprise Innovation Engineering, University of Palermo.
  • "Mathematics II", BSC in Business Admin & Management + Telecommunication Technologies & Services Engineering, Polytechnic University of Valencia.


The following prizes have been awarded to my thesis by means of formal procedures carried out by evaluation committees and public contests:

  • Otto Wichterle award, granted to excellent young scientists by the Czech Academy of Sciences (Prague, Czech Republic) [2022];
  • prize to the doctoral thesis in the area of Industrial Plant, granted by the Luigi De Januario Foundation (Milan, Italy) [2020];
  • extraordinary prize to the doctoral thesis in the area of Science, granted by the Polytechnic University of Valencia (Valencia, Spain) [2020].


Profile ID: T-3847-2019 (WoS), 57191625394 (Scopus)

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