Volodymyr Lynnyk
Defense type
Date of event
ČVUT FEL v Prahe, Karlovo náměstí 13, Praha 1, DCE K 14
This thesis was devoted to the study of the novel methods of communication
and encryption using chaotic system in order to improve the existing
communication schemes. Some new theoretical properties of chaotic system
synchronization was developed, as these methods depend crucially on
chaos synchronization phenomena. In particular, new theoretical properties
of the so-called generalized Lorenz system has been described. These
properties was used to design and systematically analyze the new communication
and encryption scheme, called the anti-synchronization chaos
shift keying (ACSK) implemented via the generalized Lorenz system. Further,
analysis of dynamical properties of generalized Lorenz system enabled
study of its synchronization within dynamical complex networks for possible
communication. More specifically, different chaotic communication
techniques that can be implemented with and without synchronization
have been studied in the present thesis. Encryption methods based on the
properties of chaos are reviewed. The main contribution of the thesis is
the novel modulation scheme called the anti-synchronization chaos shift
keying. ACSK digital communication method has potential of introducing
a high degree of security at a low receiver complexity. At the same
time, it requires reasonable amount of data to encrypt a single bit, thereby
making revolutionary possibility of practical and realistic use of continuous
time chaotic system for digital data encryption. The thesis implements the
ACSK scheme by using the so-called generalized Lorenz system (GLS) family.
GLS has been introduced and studied relatively recently, [20; 81; 10],
nevertheless, its using to ACSK implementation, and further theoretical
analysis was performed in this thesis.
The ideas about the communication using generalized Lorenz system
via their synchronization are generalized to study the synchronization of
complex networks of chaotic systems. Namely, interesting theoretical proof
of the exponential synchronization of two generalized Lorenz systems with
bi-directional connection has been presented and more complicated networks
structure studied numerically. Basic observation here is that the
increasing complexity of connections can destabilize the network, stability
is maintained by high synchronizing gains and locally only, with decreasing
size of stability region.