Date of event
Workshop on Stochastics Informatics and Decision Making - well known as Alšovice according to the traditional venue of many of the first meetings - is an annual workshop organized by members of the Department of Stochastic Informatics of the Institute of Information Theory and Automation of the Czech Academy of Sciences. It is an informal meeting of people interested in various topics of information and decision-making theories.
Useful information
- Date: June 5 - June 7, 2022 (Wednesday - Friday).
- Registration deadline: 15th May 2024. Either via email to Karel Vrbenský or via Google Forms. Please specify how long you want to stay, the title of your talk, and its preferred length.
- Location: The workshop takes place in penzion Vyhlídka Janovičky (photo by Richenza) in the Czech Republic (see map below).
- Presentation: Each participant is invited to give a presentation in duration of approximately 30 minutes.
- Accommodation: Accommodation is provided in the guest house, including full board.
Wednesday (Chair: Jiří Michálek)
- 14:00 Petr Tichavský: Tenzorové rozklady pro kvantovou chemii
- 14:30 Jan Klaschka : Exaktní konfidenční množiny pro trinomické rozdělení.
- 15:30 Josef Kurka: Asymetrie rozdělení a výnosy na měnových trzích
Thursday (Chair: Jiřina Vejnarová)
- 09:30 Jiří Vomlel: Modeling the spread of loanwords in South East Asia Sea
- 10:30 Milan Studený: Facets of the cone of exact games
Fria day (Chair: Antonín Otáhal)
- 09:00 Jozef Baruník: Deep Learning in Economics and Finance
- 09:30 Lukáš Vácha: Localized persistence of economic time series
- 10:30 Luboš Hanus: Learning Probability Distributions in Macroeconomics and Finance
- 11:10 Martin Šmíd: (Ne)jsou všechny epidemiologický modely stejný