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Estimation and tests under L-moment condition models and applications to radar detection

External Lecturer
Alexis Decurninge
Affiliation of External Lecturer
Laboratoire de Statistique Théorique et Appliquée, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris

Since their introduction by Hosking in 1990, L-moments methods has become popular in applications dealing with extreme phenomenon whose underlying distribution is heavy-tailed. They constitute a robust alternative to traditional moment in the estimation of the "form" of the distribution because they effectively captures this type of information. It is therefore natural to generalize L-moment method as the generalized moment methods (GMM) for the moments. We introduce an equivalent point of view for the M-estimators based on the minimization of a divergence with moment constraints. This point of view relies on the minimization of a specific transformation energy instead of the minimization of a distance between two measures of probability. Many definitions of this transformation energy could be taken, we choose one that brings a linear minimization problem for L-moment constraints. Applications of such estimators to the radar detection of small targets in heterogeneous clutter will be presented. These clutters are modelized by a heavy-tail distribution traditionnally hard to estimate without strong hypothesis.

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