O využití Everettovy interpretace kvantové mechaniky v teorii rozhodování
: The Stochastic and Physical Monitoring Systems 2022 (SPMS 2022)
: ( 2022)
: The Stochastic and Physical Monitoring Systems 2022 (SPMS 2022) /13./, (Rumburk, CZ, 20220623)
: decision-making, multi-world interpretation of quantum mechanics
(eng): Modern decision making (DM) theory stands on classical probability. But there seems to be a variety of situations when the decision theory fails to explain some psychological and cognitive effects observed in human decision making. Other aspects not covered by the classical approach are that the results of merging information depend on the order of merging, or that the observation influences the next state. Main question posed is whether quantum probability is suitable for DM and can solve these problems.\nThe contribution tries to formulate a decision making task by using Everett’s many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics. The targeted long-term perspective is to use Everett’s interpretation to develop a quantum version of fully probabilistic design of decision strategies. The presentation will cover the very preliminary results.
: IN
: 10201