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Journal Article

A Statistical Model of Hazard Rate Change Caused by a Random Shock

Volf Petr

: International Journal of Reliability, Quality and Safety Engineering vol.31,

: Time to failure, Reliability, Hazard rate, Kijima model, Accelerated lifetime

: 10.1142/S0218539324500219

: https://www.worldscientific.com/doi/epdf/10.1142/S0218539324500219

(eng): In the framework of statistical reliability analysis, we propose a model describing the change of reliability of a technical component after certain event, as for instance a shock, or the failure and maintenance. Two kinds of failure rate changes are considered, namely a shift of virtual age of analyzed component and the acceleration of its subjective time. The objective is to estimate both the baseline lifetime probability distribution and the magnitude of these changes. The estimation procedure is based on the maximum likelihood method, both parametric and nonparametric distributions of lifetime are considered. Further, a graphical method of the goodness-of-fit test is proposed. The method is then checked on artificial examples, finally a real data problem is solved.

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