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Prototype, methodology, f. module, software

DTRiMC tool for TE0808-15-EG-1EE module on TEBF0808 carrier board

Kadlec Jiří, Pohl Zdeněk, Kohout Lukáš

: ( 2021)

: 8A18013, GA MŠk

: System on Chip, Zynq Ultrascale+, microprocessor, HW accelerated computing, automation, Linux Debian Stretch

: http://sp.utia.cz/index.php?ids=results&id=2018_2_te0808_fp03x8_4x2_ila_mulf64_DTRiMC

(eng): Evaluation package with eight 8xSIMD, FP03x8, floating-point, run-time-reconfigurable accelerators for Zynq Ultrascale+ TE0808-15EG-1EE module on TEBF0808 carrier board. The TE0808-15EG-1EE module and TEBF0808 carrier board are designed and manufactured by the company Trenz Electronic. Xilinx device ZU15-EG-1EE device requires in the design phase Xilinx Vivado tools version 2018.2. These tools must have enabled support for the Xilinx ZU15-EG-1EE device. The Xilinx Vivado 2018.2 is currently the last Xilinx toolchain supporting the ZU15-EG-1EE device. The evaluation package provides several pre-compiled HW designs represented in form of SD-cards containing the designs and API interface for SW developer in form of shared Debian Linux libraries. The SW developer can program ARM host application in standard gcc or g++ compiler and “make” can be used for compilation of host applications directly on the embedded Zynq Ultrascale+ ZU15-EG-1EE based system.

: JC

: 20206