Journal Article
Continuous Control Set Model Predictive Control of a Switch Reluctance Drive Using Lookup Tables
, , , , ,
: Energies vol.13,
: switched reluctance motor drive, model predictive control, continuous control set
(eng): A problem of the switched reluctance drive is its natural torque pulsations, which arepartially solved with finite control set model predictive control strategies. However, the continuouscontrol set model predictive control, required for precise torque stabilization and predictable powerconverter behavior, needs sufficient computation resources, thus limiting its practical implementation.The proposed model predictive control strategy utilizes offline processing of the magnetizationsurface of the switched reluctance motor. This helps to obtain precalculated current references foreach torque command and rotor angular position in the offline mode. In online mode, the modelpredictive control strategy implements the current commands using the magnetization surface for fastevaluation of the required voltage command for the power converter. The proposed strategy needsonly two lookup table operations requiring very small computation time, making instant execution ofthe whole control system possible and thereby minimizing the control delay. The proposed solutionwas examined using a simulation model, which showed precise and rapid torque stabilization belowrated speed
: BC
: 10102