Prototype, methodology, f. module, software
Adaptive RLS Algorithms Reference Implementations
: ( 2017)
: 8A17006, GA MŠk
: RLS Algorithms, adaptive identification, logarithmic, fixed-point and single-precision floating-point arithmetics
(eng): This software presents set of adaptive recursive least squares system identification algorithms based on the Bayesian extensions of real-time adaptive system identification as well as extending the existing recursive least square adaptive algorithms for estimation of time varying parameters in the applications of acoustic signal processing. The included reference adaptive algorithms are implemented in Matlab 2016b. Algorithms serve as „golden“ reference models for the embedded implementations on dedicated processors like Arm Cortex A9 and the FPGA programmable logic accelerators in devices the Xilinx Zynq. Algorithms are numerically robust. Algorithms are implemented in double precision floating point (64bit), single precision floating point (32bit) and in logarithmic arithmetic with precision 32bit and 19bit. This software also presents adaptive recursive least squares system identification algorithms taking advantage of dynamic normalization of the core of the algorithm into the guarantied range <1-, 1> for all variables. These algorithmic cores are suitable for the fixed-point implementation (14bit).
: JC
: 20206