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Conference, Workshop Arrangement

New Geotechnologies for Disaster Management 2016

Talich Milan, Soukup Lubomír

: (UTIA AV CR, Prague, Czech Republic, CZ, 20160412)

: FR-TI4/436, GA MPO

: Geotechnologies, deformation monitoring, disaster management, InSAR

: http://p-insar.cz/ngdm2016/

(eng): Conference New Geotechnologies for Disaster Management (NGDM 2016), Prague, Czech Republic, April 12-13, 2016, was organized by ÚTIA. \nThe conference NGDM 2016 was focused on the following topics:\n• Trends and new technologies in deformation monitoring and disaster management\n• Mine surveying in disaster management\n• New instruments and measuring techniques\n• Using InSAR and radar interferometry for deformation monitoring and disaster management\n• Laser scanning applications\n• Remote sensing and GNSS applications \n• Engineering surveys in managing natural disasters\n• Deformation measurement\n• Recent industrial surveying and sensing technologies and applications \n• Contribution of geodesy to disaster management\n• Spatial planning in post-disaster and post-conflict situations\nThere were 20 participants (9 from abroad) and 20 contributions at the conference.

: DE