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Journal Article

Sum-of-squares based observer design for polynomial systems with a known fixed time delay

Rehák Branislav

: Kybernetika vol.51, 5 (2015), p. 858-873

: GA13-02149S, GA ČR

: sum-of-squares polynomial, observer, polynomial system

: 10.14736/kyb-2015-5-0856

: http://www.kybernetika.cz/content/2015/5/856

(eng): An observer for a system with polynomial nonlinearities is designed. The system is assumed to exhibit a time delay whose value is supposed to be constant and known. The design is carried out using the sum-of-squares method. The key point is dening a suitable Lyapunov{Krasovskii functional. The resulting observer is in form of a polynomial in the observable variables. The results are illustrated by two examples.

: BC