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Journal Article

A linear-algebraic tool for conditional independence inference

Tanaka K., Studený Milan, Takemura A., Sei T.

: Journal of Algebraic Statistics vol.6, 2 (2015), p. 150-167

: GA13-20012S, GA ČR

: Conditional independence inference, Automated theorem proving

: 10.18409/jas.v6i2.46

: http://library.utia.cas.cz/separaty/2015/MTR/studeny-0450036.pdf

(eng): In this note, we propose a new linear-algebraic method for the implication problem among conditional independence statements, which is inspired by the factorization characterization of conditional independence. First, we give a criterion in the case of a discrete strictly positive density and relate it to an earlier linear-algebraic approach. Then, we extend the method to the case of a discrete density that need not be strictly positive. Finally, we provide a computational result in the case of six variables.

: BA