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Conference Paper (Czech conference)

Banded matrix solvers and polynomial Diophantine equations

Hromčík Martin, Hurák Zdeněk, Frízel R., Šebek M.

: Proceedings of the Technical Computing Prague 2005 Conference, p. 151-159 , Eds: Procházka A.

: ČVUT, (Praha 2005)

: International Conference Technical Computing Prague 2005, (Praha, CZ, 15.11.2005)

: CEZ:AV0Z10750506

: GA102/05/0011, GA ČR, 1M0567, GA MŠk

: algebraic approach, polynomial Diophantine equations, polynomial design

(eng): Numerical procedures and codes for linear Diophantine polynomial equations are proposed in this paper based on the banded matrix algorithms and solvers. Both the scalar and matrix cases are covered. The algorithms and programs developed are based on the observation that a set of constant linear equations resulting from the polynomial problem features a special structure. This structure, known as Sylvester, or block Syelvester in the matrix case, can in turn be accommodated in the banded matrix framework.

: 09H, 09I

: BC