Journal Article
Incompressible ionized fluid mixtures: a non-Newtonian approach
: IASME Transactions vol.2, 7 (2005), p. 1190-1197
: CEZ:AV0Z10750506
: mixtures, non-Newtonean fluids
(eng): The model combining non-Newtonian p-power-law generalization of the Navier-Stokes equation for barycentric velocity with Nernst-Planck equation for concentrations of particular mutually reacting ionic constituents, the heat equation, and also the Poisson equation for self-induced quasistatic electric field is presented. Existence of weak solutions for certain specific values of p>9/4 and, in a special isothermal case, also uniqueness are proved.
(cze): Nestlačitelné ionizované tekuté směsy jsou popsány a analyzovány v případě, že výsledná tekutina je ne-Newtonovská s viskozitou zvětšující se s rostoucím rychlostním gradientem.
: 12A
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