Conference Paper (international conference)
Microscopic cross-sections of old artworks
, , , ,
: Proceedings of the 12th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing. ICIP'05, p. 578-581
: IEEE, (Los Alamitos 2005)
: IEEE International Conference on Image Processing. ICIP'05 /12./, (Janov, IT, 11.09.2005-14.09.2005)
: CEZ:AV0Z10750506
: GA102/04/0155, GA ČR, GA203/04/2091, GA ČR
: image processing, art restoration, image registration
(eng): Spatial alignment of visible and ultraviolet images of microscopic cross-sections from old artworks is solved by means of mutual information. In the next step, preliminary layer segmentation is applied. In the final part, method for content-based image retrieval is described using cooccurence matrices. The aim is to facilitate search for restorers reports about artworks with similar characteristic, based on corss-section images.
(cze): Prostorove sesazeni obrazku mikroskopickych rezu starych umeleckych del, porizenych ve viditelnem a ultrafialovem spektru, je reseno pomoci registracni metody "mutual information". V dalsim kroku je vyhotovena prvotni detekce jednotlivych vrstev. Na zaver je popsana metoda pro vyhledavani v databazi na zaklade obrazove informace pomoci kookurencnich matic. Hlavni snahou bylo nabidnout restauratorum snadnejsi vyhledani restauratorskych zprav s podobnou tematikou na zaklade rezu.
: 09K
: JD