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Journal Article

Some remarks on permutation type tests in linear models

Hušková Marie, Picek J.

: Discussiones Mathematicae, Probability and Statistics vol.24, 1 (2004), p. 151-181

: CEZ:AV0Z1075907

: GA201/03/0945, GA ČR, GA201/02/0049, GA ČR

: hypotheses testing, linear regression models, Ll- and L2- procedures

(eng): The paper discusses applications of permutation arguments in testing problems in linear models. Particular attention will be paid to the application in L1-test procedures. Theoretical results will be accompanied by a simulation study.

(cze): Několik poznámek k testům permutačního typu v lineárních modelech. Teoretické výsledky jsou doplněny simulační studií.

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