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Adaptive LQG controller tuning. Abstract

Novák Miroslav

: Proceedings of the 4th International PhD Workshop Information Technologies & Control. Young Generation Viewpoint, p. 27 , Eds: Belda K.

: ÚTIA AV ČR, (Praha 2003)

: International PhD Workshop Information Technologies & Control /4./, (Libverda, CZ, 16.09.2003-20.09.2003)

: CEZ:AV0Z1075907

: adaptive LQG, controller tuning

(eng): The quality of of an LQG controler can be defined by a set of constraints and criteria. Well tuned controller satisfies or minimizes these requirements. The constraints can be placed on on system input value, system input differences, overshoot or the time to reach a desired state. The task is solved using Monte Carlo and sample path optimization method.

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: BC