Conference Paper (international conference)
Spatial studies & geo-information management
: Agrární perspektivy 12. Nová ekonomika a rozšíření EU, p. 635-638 , Eds: Svatoš M.
: PEF ČZU, (Praha 2003)
: Agrarian Prospects /12./, (Prague, CZ, 18.09.2003-19.09.2003)
: CEZ:AV0Z1075907
: geographical information management, object oriented classification, contextual modelling
(eng): The paper describes the role of remote sensing data and contextual modelling of geo-information and tries to give the frame for the object hierarchy and propose the ways of structure and behaviour modelling. GIS architecture is open to incorporate new requirements of knowledge-based analysis and modelling and accept new approaches to data analysis technology, which will be mostly fuzzy oriented.
: 09K
: JD