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Journal Article

On asymptotic properties of information-theoretic divergences

Pardo M. C., Vajda Igor

: IEEE Transactions on Information Theory vol.49, 7 (2003), p. 1860-1868

: CEZ:AV0Z1075907

: 2000-0800, BMF, GA201/02/1391, GA ČR

: Bregman divergences, Burbea-Rao divergences, Csiszar divergences

(eng): Mutual asymptotic equivalence is established between three classes of information-theoretic divergences, namely the divergences of Csiszar, Bregman and Burbea-Rao. Tis equivalence is used to find asymptotic distributions of the corresponding goodness-of-fit statistics. The distribution results are restricted to the statistical model of uniform hypothesis on the unit interval.

: 09J

: BB