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Conference Paper (international conference)

Dynamic reconfiguration of FPGAs

Matoušek Rudolf, Pohl Zdeněk, Daněk Martin, Kadlec Jiří

: Recent Trends in Multimedia Information Processing. Proceedings, p. 288-291 , Eds: Šimák B., Zahradník P.

: Czech Technical University, (Prague 2003)

: International Workshop on Systems, Signals and Image Processing /10./, (Praha, CZ, 10.09.2003-11.09.2003)

: CEZ:AV0Z1075907

: IST-2001-34016, EU IST

: dynamic reconfiguration, FPGA, CAD

(eng): Dymnamic reconfiguration of FPGA devices has been an issue of the last decade. Althouth this new feature of currently available devices permits more robust and flexible designs, it has not been recognized by professionals. This paper disscussed demands placed by dynamic reconfiguration on design tools as well as on designes themselves. A case study is presented for the Atmel AT94K family and the supplied design tools, and values are provided that should aid in analyzing such designs.

: 09G, 09H

: JC