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Conference Paper (international conference)

Modular shift of a polynomial matrix using Matlab

Hurák Zdeněk, Šebek Michael

: MATLAB 2002. Sborník příspěvků 10. ročníku konference, p. 207-210

: VŠCHT, (Praha 2002)

: MATLAB 2002, (Praha, CZ, 07.11.2002)

: CEZ:AV0Z1075907

: GA102/02/0709, GA ČR

: polynomial matrix, modular arithmetics, shift

(eng): Efficient algorithm for modular shift of a polynomial matrix is proposed in this note.The algorithm avoids any iteration that is inherent in standard Euclidean algorithm for division of polynomial matrices.It assumes that the denominator polynomial matrix is row-reduced.If it is not,it can always be transformed into row-reduced form accepting some additional computational cost. Numerical experiments with an implementation of the proposed algorithm in Matlab are reported.

: 09I

: BC