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Conference Paper (international conference)

Spectral factorization via Lyapunov equation based Newton-Raphson iteration

Kraffer Ferdinand, Loiseau J.-J.

: Proceedings of the 2002 American Control Conference, p. 5126-5131

: IEEE, (Piscataway 2002)

: American Control Conference 2002, (Anchorage, US, 08.05.2002-10.05.2002)

: CEZ:AV0Z1075907

: HPMF-CT-1999-00347, Commission EC

: spectral factorization, numerical methods

(eng): A fast, effective method is proposed for computing canonical factorizations of real polynomial matrices that are para-Hermitian and positive definite or nonnegative definite on the imaginary axis.

: 09I, 120

: BC