Conference Paper (international conference)
On interpretation of T-product possibility distributions
: Proceedings of the 9th Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-based Systems, p. 1053-1060
: ESIA, (Annecy 2002)
: IPMU '2002 /9./, (Annecy, FR, 01.07.2002-05.07.2002)
: CEZ:AV0Z1075907
: GA201/02/1269, GA ČR, IAA1075104, GA AV ČR
: possibility distributions, triangular norm, independence
(eng): In this contribution we show not only mothods of obtaining a T-product possibility distribution from a system of its marginals but also its dependence on the underlying t-norm from the viewpoint of decision-making. Greatest attention is paid to interpretation of different models, namely those based on Godel's and product t-norms.
: 12A
: BA