Conference Paper (international conference)
Polynomial matrices and recursive QR factorization
, ,
: Proceedings of the European Control Conference 2001
: EUCA, (Porto 2001)
: European Control Conference. ECC 2001, (Porto, PT, 04.09.2001-07.09.2001)
: AV0Z1075907
: LN00B096, GA MŠk
: polynomial matrix, model reference adaptive control, columm monic
(eng): This paper studies multivariable adaptive control and parameterization issues related to polynomial matrices. Firstly, it introduces a new scheme for discrete-time MRACS (model reference adaptive control systems) based upon recursive QR factorization. This scheme is then generalized to the continuous-time case. Finally, an issue concerning parameterization of multivariable systems is discussed in relation to polynomial matrices.
: 09I
: BC