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Conference Paper (international conference)

Smoothness prior information in principal component analysis of dynamic image data

Šmídl Václav, Kárný Miroslav, Šámal M., Backfrieder W., Szabo Z.

: Information Processing in Medical Imaging, p. 227-233 , Eds: Insana M. F., Leahy R. M.

: Springer, (New York 2001)


: International Conference IPMI 2001 /17./, (Davis, US, 17.06.2001-22.06.2001)

: AV0Z1075907

: GA102/99/1564, GA ČR, NN5382, GA MZd

: PCA, prior information, dynamic medical imaging

: http://library.utia.cas.cz/separaty/historie/karny-smoothness prior information in principal component analysis of dynamic image data.pdf

(eng): Principal component analysis is a well developed and understood method of multivariate data processing. Its optimal performance requires knowledge of noise covariance that is not available in most applications. We suggest a method for estimation of noise covariance based on assumed smoothness of the estimated dynamics.

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