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Conference Paper (international conference)

The robust regression and the experiences from its application in estimation of parameters in a dual economy

Víšek Jan Ámos

: Modelling Economies in Transition, p. 424-443 , Eds: Welfe W., Wdowinski P.

: University of Lodz, (Lodz 2001)

: Macromodels '99, (Rydzyna, PL, 01.12.1999-04.12.1999)

: AV0Z1075907

: IAA2075803, GA AV ČR

: robust regression, export

(eng): Analysis of export from the Czech republic by the least trimmed squares revealed that the Czech economy can be divided into two parts. The industries in the first one behave like in the market economy while the others behave still like in the centrally planned economy.The division was justified by the estimates of Cobb-Douglas production function in the first group of industries while the direct proportion between labor and capital appeared significant in the other.

: 12B

: AH