Conference Paper (international conference)
Improved polynomial matrix determinant computation
: Proceedings of the 8th IEEE Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation. MED 2000, p. 1-3 , Eds: Groumpos P., Koussoulas N., Antsaklis P.
: University of Patras, (Patras 2000)
: IEEE Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation. MED 2000 /8./, (Patras, GR, 17.06.2000-19.06.2000)
: AV0Z1075907
: Barrande 97/005-97/026, MŠMT, GA102/99/1368, GA ČR, VS97034, MŠMT
(eng): An early result on Smith-MacMillan form of a rational matrix is used for evaluating the degree of the determinant of a polynomial matrix using numerically reliable techniques. This allows for accurate determinant zeroing and determinant interpolation, thus improving existing numerical methods for polynomial matrix determinant computation.
: 09H
: BC