Conference Paper (international conference)
On economic model of cycles
: Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Economics 2000, p. 227-232 , Eds: Dlouhý M.
: VŠE, (Praha 2000)
: Mathematical Methods in Economics 2000 /18./, (Praha, CZ, 13.09.2000-15.09.2000)
: AV0Z1075907
: GA402/00/0439, GA ČR, GA402/98/0742, GA ČR
(eng): The van der Pol's equation with an appropriate feedback is applied to forming of a model of economic cycles. The model exhibits the ability of the savings and investments to give output in a limit cycle by a bifurcation. According to the life cycle hypothesis, the households will have constant, or will continuously increase, the marginal propensity to saving. The savings deviation is accelerated in relation with the gap between the GDP and its potential value.
: 12B, 05D
: BB