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Conference Paper (international conference)

A statistical method for inspection of structure of textile materials

Linka A., Volf Petr

: Conférence Internationale sur les Méthodes Mathématiques en Fiabilité, p. 711-714 , Eds: Nikulin M., Limnios N.

: Université Victor Segalen, (Bordeaux 2000)

: MMR '2000 /2./, (Bordeaux, FR, 04.07.2000-07.07.2000)

: AV0Z1075907

: VS97084, MŠMT

(eng): The present contribution deals with the Ising model of binary Markov random field and utilizes it for the characterization of structure of a textile material. From the digital image of the material, the parameters of the field are statistically estimated.The method comparing the values of parameters is proposed and used as a tool for statistical detection of material nonhomogeneity. Simultaneously, the problem of simulation of the random field isstudied.

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