VKFD: Computerized Analysis of Videokymographic Data
, , , , , ,
: PEVOC, p. 293-294 , Eds: Domagalský T.
: PEVOC - Pan Europian Voice Conference /10./, (Prague, CZ, 21.08.2013-24.08.2013)
: videokymography, feature detection, vocal fold, rima glottidis
(eng): Our paper proposes a software solution for the enhancement of videokymographic data and the extraction of typical characteristics of vocal folds vibrations, such as, e.g., the time-varying extent of rima glottidis and the progression of mucosal waves, and corresponding vibration parameters (e.g. frequency, symmetries, amplitude). The proposed methodology is based on well-established digital image processing methods; namely image denoising, edge detection, image segmentation, and object identification. The set of evaluated features was designed by experts, drawing on their longtime expertise with videokymography.
: JD