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Measurement of Vocal Fold Features in Videokymography Images

Sedlář Jiří, Novozámský Adam, Švec J.G., Zitová Barbara, Flusser Jan

: Proc. BioImage Informatics, p. 53

: Bioimage Informatics, (Dresden, DE, 16.09.2012-19.09.2012)

: GAP103/11/1552, GA ČR

: videokymography, vocal folds measurement, image processing

: http://library.utia.cas.cz/separaty/2013/ZOI/sedlar-measurement of vocal fold features in videokymography images.pdf

(eng): Videokymography is a novel video recording technique used in laryngology and phoniatrics for examination of vocal folds. A videokymographic camera acquires brightness values only in one row but with a high-speed rate of 7200 lines/s. It can thus capture gradual movements of vocal folds, albeit in one dimension. The resulting videokymogram is a spatio-temporal image of vocal fold vibrations along a line perpendicular to the glottal dorsoventral axis over a short period of time. The advantages of videokymography include low costs and low amount of data to process. Manual analysis of videokymograms is, however, difficult and time-consuming, mainly due to noise, reflections and low contrast in the images as well as high number of vocal fold parameters. The possibility of computer-aided diagnostics is thus of great interest. The objective of this project was to develop (semi)automatic methods for measurement of selected vocal fold features.

: JD