Conference Paper (international conference)
BTF Rendering in Blender
: Proceedings of VRCAI 2011: ACM SIGGRAPH Conference on Virtual-Reality Continuum and its Applications to Industry, p. 265-272
: International Conference on Virtual Reality Continuum and Its Applications in Industry 2011 /10./, (Hong Kong, CN, 11.12.2011-12.12.2011)
: CEZ:AV0Z10750506
: 1M0572, GA MŠk, 387/2010, CESNET, GAP103/11/0335, GA ČR, GA102/08/0593, GA ČR
: rendering, biderectional texture function, Blender
: rendering in blender.pdf
(eng): Bidirectional texture function (BTF) is 7D function of planar coordinates, spectral coordinate, and viewing and illumination angles, respectively. BTF is the recent most advanced representation of visual properties of surface materials. Unlike smooth textures, it specifies their altering appearance due to varying illumination and viewing conditions. This BTF visual appearance dependency on viewing and illumination conditions significantly complicates not only its acquisition, representation, and modeling but also makes its rendering noticeably more demanding. BTF textures are acquired by costly measurements of real materials and their subsequent nontrivial processing. While several techniques for measurement or processing of BTF textures have been described already, there is no environment allowing to support BTF texture rendering. This contribution describes novel Blender texture plugin for the purpose of BTF texture mapping and rendering. The plugin benefits from our previously developed BTF Roller texture enlargement method which is integral part of its implementation.
: BD